EP 19 – Law Enforcement Those Were My Superheroes – Joseph Messer

I had the pleasure of interviewing 2 year police officer, Joseph Messer from Texas. Joseph is another one of the soldiers out there putting in work to, “Humanizing the Badge”.

Joseph told me despite that fact there no one in his family was ever a cop, becoming a police officer was something he had wanted to do from a young age.

If you follow Joseph on social media, then you know the gym is one of his favorite places. He explains that prior to getting into law enforcement, he worked for several years as a personal trainer…

He has even competed in body building competitions during his teen years.

Joseph stated that he got into fitness and weight lifting, because he was tired of “all ways being the smallest” person in the room and on the team.

As I mentioned, Joseph is definitely putting in work when it comes to humanizing the badge. He is constantly sharing new content to his over 500,000 social media followers.


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